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Developer Documentation

This section contains documentation related to the development of PixivFE. While primarily intended for developers, instance administrators may find this information useful for gaining a deeper understanding of the application and its future roadmap.


The main developer documentation is comprised of the following files:

  1. Coding Tips: Useful tricks and best practices for PixivFE development, including handling of cookies and Jet template specifics.

  2. Design Flaws: Documentation of current design issues in PixivFE, both frontend and backend, with potential solutions.

  3. Roadmap: Planned features and improvements for PixivFE, categorized by implementation status and priority.

  4. Guidelines: Guidelines for code development, including the repository file structure.

  5. Helpful Resources: External links to materials and resources that can aid in PixivFE development, including other Pixiv-related projects and tools.

  6. Testing: Information about the current state of testing in PixivFE and considerations for future testing strategies.

  7. Feature Ideas: Proposals for potential features or redesigns that can be implemented into PixivFE, including Pixivision integration, Sketch support, and UI improvements.

Features in development

The Features section contains detailed information about specific features that are currently in development or planned for future implementation:

  1. Caching: Outlines caching strategies for various types of content, including images, JSON requests, and rendered pages. Also discusses the potential for predictive caching to improve browsing experience.

  2. Novels: Lists planned improvements for the novel reading experience, including UI enhancements, support for novel series, and additional features like furigana support and vertical text display.

  3. Tracing and Flamegraphs: Explains the tracing implemented in PixivFE for both Pixiv website requests and server requests, and how to view flamegraphs for performance analysis.

  4. User Customization: Details potential per-user customization options for various aspects of PixivFE, including site-wide settings, novel reading preferences, artwork filtering, and search options.


The Archive section contains archived documentation that may no longer be actively maintained or may contain outdated information. These documents are kept for historical reference and to maintain a record of past development processes and decisions:

  1. Framework Migration: Documentation of the migration from gofiber to net/http. This migration was completed in release v2.8 (commit 1ac6f40b57).


Developers interested in contributing to PixivFE are encouraged to review the documentation in this section, particularly Roadmap, Feature Ideas, and the Features section. These resources will help identify areas where meaningful contributions can be made.

For any questions or discussions related to PixivFE development, please refer to the project's issue tracker on Codeberg.